Enrolment Guidelines
- Please refer to the attached School Fees and Payment Schedules.
- Regular enrollment starts on June 1 while the Early Bird discount period is from May 1-May 31. Parents who pay the “Initial Payment Upon Enrollment” amount within the Early Bird period will qualify for the early bird discounts as follows – 2,000 (Grade 1-12); 1,000 (Palaruan); and 500 (Paslitan). Only students with no arrears are qualified for this discount.
- Other discount schemes remain the same. Sibling Discount – 5%, 7.5%, 10%; New Student Discount – 10%; New Student Referral Discount – 5%.
- Discount calculation and reflection in your child’s Statement of Account.
- Except for the early bird discount, all tuition fee discounts are based on the annual payment term rate.
- The new student referral discount shall be based on the tuition fee [annual payment term] of the new student.
- All discounts shall be applied to the last scheduled payment for the SY (ex. End-Mar for monthly, end-Feb for quarterly, etc.). As they are computed only after enlistment (applied as Adjustments), you will only see your final payment schedule (with discounts) in the Statement of Account from Orangeapps about 1-2 weeks after enlistment.
- Enlistment/Enrollment for SY 2024-2025 will be done online via the School Information System (SIS) web platform in Orangeapps. Parents may start enlisting their children online starting July 1.
- Please refer to the step-by-step procedures on how to enlist in SIS/ Orangeapps. Please contact the Admin immediately if you do not have a valid username and/or password.
- Students are not considered officially enrolled and will not appear in the class lists until their parents successfully enlists them in Orangeapps.
- Moreover, even though parents may have successfully enlisted their children in Orangeapps, they will also not yet be considered enrolled until the “Initial Payment Upon Enrollment” amount is paid.
- Parents who paid the “Initial Payment Upon Enrollment” amount during the early bird discount period or before July 1 will still need to also enlist their children online after July 1. Please also note that your earlier payment will only be reflected in the system 1-2 weeks after your child’s enlistment. Should a student be later denied enrollment due to academic, disciplinary, or other reasons, the Initial Payment Upon Enrollment amount will be fully refunded
- The Admin will no longer enlist students in Orangeapps for their parents. Parents must enlist their children in Orangeapps on their own and select the correct grade level, tuition/bus fees, payment modes, etc. Incorrect enlistment choices will have to be re-done by cancelling the original enlistment and asking the parents to repeat the procedure.
- Parents should always refer to the Statement of Accounts in Orangeapps. Manual calculations/estimates requested from Admin are deemed unofficial. The Orangeapps Statement of Account (SOA) includes details of all adjustments made and not just payment history. Please also note that all the amounts listed in the SOA are not deemed final until a “fully paid” Official Receipt (OR) is issued.
- No “full payment” OR shall be issued without the concurrence of the school auditor. Hence, there may be a delay in the issuance of the OR for your final payment. If so, a temporary or acknowledgement receipt may be issued initially.
- BPI Payment Facilities. Over-the counter (OTC) in any BPI branch or for those with BPI Express online facility, you can also pay via the internet. For those paying via BPI (OTC or online), please notify the school that you have made payment so that it can be verified. We strongly encourage everyone to use the BPI OTC or On-line payment facility.
- Cash. You may also pay directly via cash or check at the Admin Office. Please note, however, that we discourage cash payments. For those who will be paying via check, we also strongly encourage you to issue post-dated checks for your balance payments up to the end of the school year.
If you have any questions, please contact the Admin Office.
You may pay the school via any of the options above in the same manner that you use these facilities to pay your utility bills (Meralco, Manila Water, etc.) online via BPI. Simply enroll Manila Waldorf School in your BPI bills payment facility so that you can use this option.
IMPORTANT! Please enroll the correct 12-digit (old students) or 13-digit (new students) Reference number of your child. Otherwise, the school will be unable to trace your payments. If you do not know your child’s Reference No., please contact the Admin Office.
Payments to the school may already be made via Over-the-Counter (OTC) deposit at any branch of the Bank of Philippine Islands (BPI). Important reminders for filling up the blue BPI Deposit/Payment Slip:
- Check the boxes: PAYMENT, SAVINGS, PESO
- Enter the school’s Account Number: 0273 3556 26
- Policy/Plan / Reference No.: Please enter your child’s Student ID number (Example: 0000-0000-1837 or 1500-0000-0152). Otherwise, the school will be unable to trace your payments. If you do not know your child’s Reference No., please contact the Admin Office. (Note: Please include the dash between the sets of 4-digit numbers and please inform the teller to also include the dashes when they encode your deposits). Policy/Plan holder’s Name: Please enter your child/children’s name as it appears in the official Manila Waldorf School enrolment roster (Example: Montemayor, Lorenzo Q.).
- Enter the amount of payment in the appropriate space –Cash or Check
Please see sample deposit slip for your reference. BPI will charge PhP 20.00 for every transaction and they will issue an official receipt for this.

As your child does not have reference number yet, please deposit your upon enrollment payment to our BPI Checking Account Number 0431-0174-07 for now. The account name is Manila Waldorf School, Inc.
Kindly send your proof of payment to Diane at finance@manilawaldorfschool.edu.ph Your child’s reference number will be given to you once orangeapps has already been opened for enlistment of students for school year 2024-2025.